Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wild and Crazy

If you have boys, you know that they can be wild and crazy! My boys are absolutely no exception. They literally run in circles in my house and have insane amounts of energy. They are hard to keep up with, they get hurt all the time, and they exhaust me and drive me crazy on a daily basis, but they are two of the sweetest boys ever and I wouldn't have it any other way!

My mother-in-law took these pictures of the boys before Christmas. They were wrestling in Nana and Pop's backyard, using up some of that endless energy (where do they get it??), and having a blast.

These next two pictures perfectly capture the boys' abundant energy. Here I am getting a sweet hug from my niece while Gene is trying to corral my crazy boys in the background. Typical!
But it's not wild and crazy all the time. We have our peaceful moments too, like when we're reading books, which we do a lot. I just took this picture yesterday. Will was eating some of his conversation hearts from Valentine's Day and asked me to take his picture. Sweet boy. Wild and crazy, sweet and loving. That's my life with these two beautiful, energetic, amazing little boys.

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