Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Zoo and Good Buddies

The boys and I went to the zoo on Monday. The dinosaur exhibit is leaving soon and we had to see our favorite animatronic giants one last time! The boys even convinced me to buy them stuffed dinos. Will chose a spinosaurus; Henry's favorite is still the stegosaurus, so that's what he picked.

After a couple hours at the zoo, we met my good friend Belinda and her little ones at the train. Belinda lives just around the corner from us and is absolutely one of my favorite people. As you can see, our kids adore one another too! There were lots of hugs and hand-holding going around!
Will and Chloe are in the same class this year, so they see each other all the time but still love to play together outside of school.
All the kids loved climbing through this sculpture while we waited for the train to arrive.
Finally, we boarded the train!

Henry and Bella are so adorable together. They held hands for most of the morning, played on the seesaw, and, when Henry chased a bunch of birds, Bella ran after him to try to protect him! After a train ride, lunch at the park, and lots of fun at the playground, Belinda and I were beat. But these little monkeys still had tons of energy! This was the perfect morning -- and I can't wait to do it again soon!

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