Sunday, August 8, 2010


Can you see what Henry's shirt says? Daredevil. That's Henry in a nutshell. He's not the most adventurous kid I've ever met, but he's definitely the daredevil in our house!
On our trip to DC, Henry learned how to climb out of his pack 'n play and crawled out repeatedly. This morning when I went to get him out of his crib, he said, "I do it by myself, Mommy," and preceded to swing his leg over the side and climb right out. Big boy bed, here we come! Unfortunately, though, being a daredevil can have its drawbacks. This afternoon, Henry was climbing on the sofa and fell off, right onto the hardwood floor. I knew something was wrong when he kept cradling his wrist. My wonderful next-door neighbor came over to stay with Will, and Henry and I were off to the ER. They did numerous x-rays, but thankfully nothing looks broken. Henry was clearly in a lot of pain, though, so they put on a little cast and we're calling an orthopedic doctor tomorrow for an appointment. Henry's doing great with the cast and sling so far, but I know it will get old pretty fast. He's going to want to run and climb and play, like all little daredevils do, so let's hope his recovery is as speedy as he is.

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