Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day

I spent yesterday celebrating Mother's Day a couple days early thanks to special Mother's Day receptions at both boys' schools.

Henry's class had a Mother's Day Tea right after drop off.
The kids all loaded up their moms' plates with goodies and served us!  Henry knows I like a little fruit with my sweets.
Henry was having a blast (there was food involved!) so I'm not sure why he isn't smiling.
All the moms made it to the tea!
The preschoolers sang a super sweet song about mothers.
 Henry was right next to one of his favorite friends, Ainsley.
 The kids gave us roses
and these little boxes -- perfect for jewelry!  
The teachers also asked the kids all about their moms.  These were Henry's answers:
1.  With Mommy, I like to "go to Chick Fil-A."  2.  What is your Mommy's job? all she does is wash the dishes.  3.  What is your favorite thing Mommy cooks?  tortellini  4.  What does Mommy do while you are at school?  she doesn't go anywhere.   There you have it!

In the afternoon, Will's class had a special Mother's Day program right before pick-up.  Fortunately, I have a wonderful friend with a daughter in Henry's class who was able to pick up Henry for me and bring him to WUES so I could attend Will's program!
The program started with each child reading a note about why he loves his mom (Will's was:  I love my mom because she is nice) and presenting her with a rose.
Then these sweet kindergartners sang five different songs and each table read a special poem about mothers.  Mrs. Power also put together a beautiful PowerPoint presentation full of drawings from each child, including voice-overs, and pictures of each child as a baby and now as a big kid with his mama.  It was definitely a labor of love and very special for all the moms.
We all left with Mother's Day booklets filled with special letters, a hand-print butterfly, and more. Will's teacher also asked some questions about the moms.  I think it is funny that Will think I am really good at "soing."  I don't sew at all, but I have fixed his bunny Baxter, and that apparently made quite an impression!

I tried to get a picture with my big boy, but it was the end of the day and Will was a huge goofball!
Notice that he's not a goofball for Mrs. Power?!?!
I am so thankful for the three wonderful teachers my boys have this year and the extreme thoughtfulness that went into the Mother's Day programs.  Being a mom is a lot of hard work, but so worth every minute.  Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

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