Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Letter Y

Y is for yarn and yogurt and the color yellow. Last week, the boys were super excited to go to our favorite frozen yogurt spot, so we choose a hot and sunny afternoon (which not hard to do as they are all hot and sunny!) and headed out to Yogurtland.
Yum! It's really the best frozen yogurt around -- creamy, self-serve and cheaper by ounce than the other self-serve spots! Delish!For our craft project, we decided to make a yarn egg. We followed the instructions to dip pieces of yarn in glue and wrap them around the balloon.It was a very sticky project but Will had fun doing it. After the glue dried, you were supposed to pop the balloon and the yarn would remain in the shape of an egg. Our yarn collapsed with the balloon, so we had no egg to show for all our work! Fail!We kept the yarn out all week, though. Will liked playing with it. Henry covered his lowercase y in yarn and we read Keith Baker's Just How Long Can a String Be?! And to celebrate yellow, we covered the capital Y with yellow stickers and read In My New Yellow Shirt by Eileen Spinelli. I loved this book because the main character is Will! In his new yellow shirt, the little boy can be a firefly or a banana or a submarine underwater. Will's favorite color is yellow and, like the little boy in the book, he has an amazing imagination. What a great story! We had a wonderful Y week! And now we're on to Z!

1 comment:

  1. Now I want Yogurt! I came across your blog today as I was looking for pictures of food that start with the letter Y LOL
    I am a Montessori teacher / ECE - I have a blog as well -
    I follow a great group of people who love to share ideas. I hope you come on by to see what everyone has been up to.!/pages/Kreative-Resources/212611188777184
    this is my facebook page as well!
