Wednesday, February 20, 2013

6 1/2

Will was so excited to turn 6 1/2 on Monday. How can he be so big already?  

I asked Will these exact questions last year, and I thought it would be fun to see what's changed in 12 months.  Here goes.

All About Will at 6 1/2

My favorite foods are pizza and hamburgers and special sweet treats.

My favorite sport to play is football.

The best show on TV is Wild Kratts. My favorite movies are The Incredibles and Despicable Me. The best computer games are Scooby Doo and

My favorite thing to learn about in school is how to type.

If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go to Africa because of the Safari Party. I want to see dassies (an African rodent). 

My favorite color is yellow. My secret favorite color is golden.

When I grow up, I'm going to be a teacher.

My favorite song is anything by the Chieftains (except for the songs with singing). I also really like the OkeeDokee Brothers.

The best book I've read lately is Dragon Rider.

Three words that describe me are smart, smart and smart. (I also suggested kind, silly, and hard-working.)

When I was little, I used to say the wrong things (mispronounce things).

My favorite season of the year is summer because I'm off from school.

My favorite snack is graham crackers.

One food I really dislike is milk.

My best friends are Ethan, Chloe and Karis.

If I had one wish, it would be that Henry wouldn't fight me so much.

My best memory is going to the Children's Museum in California.

My favorite toy is Zoologic.

At night I like to read and sleep.

I really like to have early dismissal, go to the Children's Museum, and go hiking.

Will is such a smart, funny, goofy, sweet little boy. He reads nonstop. We literally have to take books and the newspaper (comics) away from him at mealtimes because he will focus completely on the book and make a huge crumb-y mess because he doesn't pay attention to eating. He loves books about dragons (see Dragon Rider above as his fave), wizards (he has read the first two Harry Potters independently!), and magical creatures, but also devours non-fiction, poetry and joke books. He will reread a favorite book again and again. I'm guessing he reads on a 5th grade level, which has its own challenges because not all books written for 5th graders are appropriate for 1st graders!

Will also loves to write and has authored at least one comic strip (The Adventures of Toilet Man). He is curious and absorbs every single thing he learns. He will come home from school and recite facts about rocks or commas or fairy tales. Will is a fantastic speller and usually only misspells words if they are ones he hasn't seen before.

Will is still an excellent eater and has won the "best eater" award (a made-up award given by one of the room moms) twice now. Will is sometimes picky, but in an oddly healthy way. For example, he loves cauliflower, carrots, and green peppers but only if they are raw! He won't touch them if they are cooked and dislikes overly sweet veggies. I can't complain though because he eats pretty much everything I put in front of him.

Will is super silly and makes friends with the goofiest kids at school. He and Henry still love to play "pookies" each night and are as silly as can be. Will loves comics and jokes and potty humor (thank you, Captain Underpants!).

Will has his difficult moments (he can be very stubborn and bossy) but overall he is a very sweet, loving 6 1/2 year old boy and I am so lucky I get to be his mama!

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