It feels like we have spent the whole week with our noses buried in books! Will has been entranced with books (perhaps even more than usual!) this week. We borrowed
James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl from the library last weekend and Will loved the story. He literally carried the book around the house asking one of us to read to him. Fortunately the chapters are short and we snuck in bits here and there and had the whole book read in five days! Now we're on to Laura Ingalls Wilder's
Little House in the Big Woods, which is also a huge hit.
Last week, we visited three different libraries (there are four within 10 minutes of our house and the boys are almost always up for a library visit!). At one of our libraries, we found out that we could check out FLIP (Family Literacy Improvement Program) kits. Each kit comes with a book and related activities. The boys chose the
Make Way for the Ducklings kit, so we brought it home, read the story, discussed habitats (which we learned about back on T week) and then did our activity.
The kit came with paper and charcoal pencils and instructions on how to draw a duck.
Will drew a great duck and then added extras on the side! This must be the girl duck -- do you see the eggs?
Will has also been interested in math lately and was asking me all sorts of addition questions. So instead of just telling him the answers, I decided to show him how to add columns.
He even learned how to carry the one and seemed to completely understand the concept! I just wish I had some Cuisenaire rods so he could see exactly what is happening with the tens and ones.
Proud boy after all his adding!
While Will was adding, Henry was busy with his stickers, but he also did plenty of reading this week too. In fact, he sounded out the word CAT all on his own while we were doing his Hooked on Phonics!
And yesterday was pirate week at gymnastics, so of course we had to dress up in our pirate best. The teachers
love the boys' costumes. There is another little girl in class who also comes decked out each week, so we're in good company!
Will's favorite joke of late is: What is a pirate's favorite letter?
Why, R, of course!
For reading, writing, 'rithmatic, and Arrgh!
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