Friday, January 5, 2018

Winter Break, Part One

Our winter break has been weird this year because Will got out of school a week before Henry did, which means that Will is back in school this week while Henry is still on break. We're making the most of it by planning activities tailored for each kid!

Will got out of school way back on December 15 at noon and asked to go to Little Matt's for a special lunch.

We also visited the science museum one morning.

And Will got to ride on the Birdly VR machine! The museum has changed the height restrictions several times, so this was the first time he has actually met the height requirement. He loved flying but said it was really tough.

Much of Will's break looked like this.  Books + dog = pure joy.

With Henry finally on break as of December 22, the boys delighted in new Christmas gifts from Gramma and Grampa. Will tested a building to see if it was earthquake-proof and Henry sported some pretty fancy glasses from his new disguise kit.

We braved the zoo one morning last week. It was only about 43 degrees, so we were bundled up! 

Sad faces because the waterfall was off.

After our zoo visit, we went back to Gramma and Grampa's for red beans and rice and krumkake. It wouldn't be the Christmas season without this Danish treat! My dad has been making it for as long as I can remember.

Another holiday tradition is visiting the train display at Second Baptist Church. 

Two of my favorite buildings -- the Christmas Bread Bakers where they make stollen (a German sweet bread that we enjoy every Christmas!)

and the library!

It's always more fun with the cousins!

 These two! 

Whether you're back at school or still on winter break, I hope your days have been filled with family fun!

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