Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week in Review

Now that school is back in session, the lazy days of summer are but a distant memory. We are BUSY!

Will started soccer last week with two days of practice each week and weekly games starting soon. He doesn't love it just yet but I blame that on the heat. It was so hot last week during practice!

Henry is loving his new class at school and already has made new friends. We are loving the schedule too. With three afternoons off each week, we are having fun! Last Friday, Daddy joined us for lunch and a visit to the art museum. Henry loves the MFAH and asks to go back all the time.

Yesterday after school, Henry and I made paper lanterns. He had a vision of paper lights on a stick and this is what we came up with. It's nice to have some one-on-one time with my little boy to do projects and visit museums!

Our weekend was jam-packed too. Henry had two birthday parties to attend on Saturday and we spent time with family in between the celebrations. Best buds reunited at the parties -- Henry and Kalino are in different classes this year!

The much-anticipated cool front arrived in Houston on Sunday and the weather was glorious. After Will went to his first CCE class (Sundays are now busy too!), we packed up a picnic lunch and headed to Memorial Park. It was the perfect day to be outside in Houston.

And since my boys are now avid hikers, we hiked around the Arboretum after lunch. We saw turtles, dragonflies, and butterflies and thoroughly enjoyed getting to spend time outside without sweating buckets!

Fall is busy but it is definitely my favorite time of year. And of course it's all better when I get to spend it with my favorite three guys!

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