Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Yesterday was HISD's fall holiday. We had planned to go to the zoo (Will's choice) but it stormed pretty hard in the early morning hours so we decided to head to the science museum instead.

Will climbed up on the caterpillar in the butterfly center and asked if I had my camera. I wonder how many pictures I have of the boys on this caterpillar?

Can you guess what Henry is so excited about in this picture? Hint: read the title again!

Every time we visit the butterfly center, the boys are entranced by the video of people eating insects. The museum also has a vending machine full of edible bugs! On this trip, Henry begged to try some. We chose chocolate-covered ants for our first foray into eating insects.

Henry was so excited!

Will thought it was "ridiculous" to buy bugs to eat, but he couldn't resist trying them.

The verdict from my anteaters? Yummy and chocolate-y, with just a little crunch. Henry's already asking for more.

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