Saturday, May 15, 2010

Outdoor Fun

I have a confession to make. I really don't like Play-Doh. It's messy, it's a pain to clean up, and the kids mix all the colors together. But the boys really like their Play-Doh, so sometimes we just have bring it out. Last time, we played outside, and I honestly think that worked out much better. We started out with three tubs of Play-Doh, but when the playing was all over and we put everything away, we only managed to fill up two tubs of Play-Doh. Hmm. See what I mean about the mess?
Will has been asking to bring out the swimming pool for at least two months now, and it's finally warm enough to set it up. The boys love to splash in the water on a hot day.
And after "swimming" we can eat our dinner outside too.

This night we had baked ziti, garlic bread, and broccoli and tomatoes from the farmers' market. Yum! Will cleaned his plate and asked for "more of everything."
I foresee many a summer day spent outside just like this. And the best part -- the boys sleep so well after an afternoon in the sun!

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