Monday, June 24, 2019

A Summer Adventure: Corpus Christi (Part One)

With Will off in France for three weeks, Gene suggested that Henry and I head off on our own adventure for a few days.  We decided to go to Corpus Christi because of Henry's love for baseball and turtles.  Unfortunately, we weren't there during a sea turtle release, but we had an amazing time.  Here's part one of our adventures!

Buc-ee's is our must stop on the way for snacks and coffee. Henry enjoys mochas -- we just mix hot chocolate and coffee together for him. 

After a long drive, Henry was collapsed in the hotel lobby.

We arrived in Corpus on Monday night and the only thing on our agenda was a visit to Whataburger Field to see the Corpus Christi Hooks play.  

Minor league baseball is awesome.  We had perfect seats right behind home plate.  Much of the field is shaded, so we were very comfortable.  

The freebies at a minor league game are also pretty phenomenal. We were there on dollar dog night, so dinner was inexpensive and then Henry got a Sammy the Seagull bobblehead toothbrush holder

and a free t-shirt!  We also got another free shirt for Gene.  

New caps from the gift shop.

The view of the harbor bridge in the background is beautiful.  And best of all, the Hooks won!  

At breakfast the next morning, Henry was sporting his new shirt and cap.  

We headed to the USS Lexington, also known as the "Blue Ghost."  The Lexington is an Essex-class aircraft carrier that was build in 1943.  


It was hot on the flight deck but it's always amazing to see these massive ships and planes. We were in awe.  

After our visit to the Lexington, we toured the Texas State Aquarium, which is located right next door.  

The highlight for us was seeing the sea turtles, of course.  We learned that when a turtle's shell cracks (because it was hit by a boat, for example), microscopic air bubbles get trapped and this causes the turtle to float.  Floating turtles can't dive for food and so they are not considered releaseable into the wild.   

There were beautiful mosaics everywhere.  

We also caught part of a dolphin show, which was incredible.  

The rest of the aquarium was pretty spectacular too.  

We took one last photo at the otter sculpture.

We were pretty tired after a very full morning so had some down time at our hotel before a late lunch at a Thai restaurant. We tried Thai iced teas for the first time.

Our afternoon was fairly lazy -- just a swim at the hotel pool, dinner and plenty of time for our audiobook.  

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