Friday, August 23, 2013


Will is SEVEN! In honor of his seventh birthday, I thought I'd write about seven things I love about my big boy.

1.  Will is intelligent.  This kid has the most amazing mind. He absorbs absolutely everything he reads and hears and loves to tell you about everything he's learned. He is crazy good at math (he multiplies numbers like 20 x 17 by breaking them apart and doing 20 x 10 plus 20 x 7. I am pretty sure he learned that from a book, because we didn't teach him that!).  

2.  Will is inquisitive. He wants to know about everything! If he doesn't understand a word or concept, he'll ask. The other day we had a long, involved conversation about taxes because he wanted to know why he had to pay $1.08 for something that only cost $1. We spend a lot of time looking things up on the internet or checking books out of the library just so we can learn more!

3.  Will is a reader. Will is constantly reading (113 chapters books and counting this summer!). We usually have to visit the library multiple times a week to make sure he has enough books to keep him occupied. He loves to read everything from nonfiction and comic books (Calvin and Hobbes is his current fave) to novels and fictional series (Geronimo Stilton, Jack Stalwart and Zac Power were favorites this summer). When Will is reading, he literally tunes out the rest of the world and does not hear you talking to him. We usually have to take his books away when he is supposed to be doing something like brushing his teeth or eating breakfast so he will concentrate on the task at hand.   

4.  Will is independent. I remember a little three-year-old Will who refused to go into the swimming pool for swim lessons by himself. Now at 7, he is completely fine to go into class or camp on his own. He has been telling me all summer that when he is in second grade, I cannot walk him to his classroom anymore and that we will have to say goodbye as soon as we enter the school. (Sad for Mommy, happy for big boy.)

5.  Will is an explorer. He loves to be outside, hiking, looking at plants and animals, and exploring his world. He is usually up for an adventure, whether it's a visit to a fort, a hike up a mountain, or a trip to the museum. Sometimes he adamantly does not want to go do something we have planned, but once there, he always enjoys himself.  

6.  Will is musical. Will has loved music since he was an itty-bitty boy. I remember when a friend of mine, watching Will dance and groove to music at the ripe old age of about 7 months, said I should sign him up for a baby music class. A couple months later we we enrolled in Kindermusik and now he's taking piano and loving it! He's still dancing too. Will and Henry had a dance party just the other day, boogieing to their new Justin Roberts' CD. Will mostly likes kids' songs from artists like Recess Monkey or The OkeeDokee Brothers (which are fun enough for grown-ups too), but he also loves classical music and marches. Fortunately, we have not gone down the road to pop music, the lyrics of which are mostly not appropriate for little ears.

7.  Will is full of energy. Is it boys or the age? Will has so much energy. From dance parties and hikes up mountains to climbing at the children's museum and splashing in the water, Will is always busy! 

Will is such a smart, energetic, amazing kid and I am so lucky to be his mom and be along to the adventure.   He has grown up so much and I can't wait to see all the places he'll go!

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