Henry has been a busy bee lately, telling stories, writing and drawing.
When I dropped him off at school on Monday, I found this list of Henry's favorite foods on the bulletin board outside his classroom. You'd better believe Henry was the only one who listed "stinky cheese" as his favorite dairy product and ravioli as his favorite "bread." Henry is one-of-a-kind, indeed!
On Monday, Henry came home with this drawing from school. According to him, it's a picture of monsters coming after Baby. Poor Baby! I hope he escapes from those purple monsters!
Also in Henry's backpack on Monday was a story. Henry's class has been working on writing stories (they tell them to the teachers, who write them down for the kids). Henry's protagonist, of course, is Baby. After writing the story, Henry acted it out with his buddy Arjun as the director!
And since Henry has been working on writing stories at school, he came home and wrote his own little story on his Magnadoodle. When Gene and I first saw this, we thought it was just a jumble of letters. But you can make out Henry's name and with a little assistance from Henry, we figured out that he actually wrote two sentences.
Since you probably can't make them out, let me translate: "Cleno (Kalino) can go fast. Henry can go fast too." Henry told us that he didn't know how to make an A so he used an H instead. His N's are usually backwards and his S's are squiggles but he spelled Henry, fast, and too correctly. Henry is only 3 1/2 but he sees his brother writing all the time and he is 100% convinced that he can do everything Will can do. Way to go, Henry!
Yesterday afternoon, Nana popped over to drop off this sailor suit (made by Gene's Nana in the 70s!) for a class project Will is working on. I love the suit, it fits
perfectly and it is exactly what we needed for the project -- more pics to come next week!
Nana didn't plan to stay long but Henry got really upset when she tried to leave, so she ended up staying for several hours! Will was busy working on homework and a thank you note for his long-term sub,
so we got out the dot paints and Henry made Nana a picture.
It's a piece of pizza, but "not a real piece of pizza because Baby ate it." Clearly. It's just a
painting of a piece of pizza. And a purple, green and brown piece of pizza at that!
Henry is such a smart, creative, fun little boy and I can't wait to see what he does next. One thing I'm sure of? His sidekick Baby will be involved!
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