If you have a two-year-old, you know that it is very hard to reason with him. Henry is no exception. The other day, the boys were playing a game on the computer and Henry saw this yellow vehicle.
Henry: School bus!
Will: Mommy, is that a school bus? It has a siren. I think it's an ambulance.
Mommy: Yes, it is an ambulance, but it is yellow, so that's why Henry thinks it is a school bus. He can call it a school bus if he wants to.
Will (patiently): Henry, it is not a school bus. School buses are longer and have more windows. This has a siren. It is an ambulance.
Henry: School bus!
Will: Henry, it's not a school bus. It's an ambulance!
Henry: School bus!
Clearly there was no winner in this "argument," but I love how Will explained his position very clearly. Look at the following pictures and you'll see that while he was explaining, Will got right in Henry's face to make his point.
They disagreed but still were laughing and hugging the whole time. Perhaps the voice of reason will prevail one day, but in the meantime, I'll happily take laughter and giggles from my two little boys.
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