Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lately: Celebrating

Last week was full of fun activities and celebrations! Our school celebrated Teacher Appreciation week, and we brought gifts to our teachers all week long. This table was HQ for all the goodies.

The upper grades were treated to an author talk last Thursday, which just happens to be my library volunteer day, so I was able to help out and listen to the talk. Author Gordon Korman has written over 80 children's books and was promoting his newest book Masterminds. We purchased it on our school librarian's recommendation. (She knows Will and his taste in books very well.)  Will finished Masterminds within 24 hours of getting it! It's now on my to-read list.

Korman was an excellent speaker and had the kids cracking up repeatedly. I was so glad I was able to attend the talk!

Also on Thursday, the kids made blankets for Project Linus, a non-profit that distributes handmade blankets to kids in hospitals. Our blankets were simple fleece ones, but the kids really enjoyed the work and helping others in need.

Henry's class also did a lunchbox exchange for Valentine's Day.

Thursday evening was the Cub Scouts' Blue and Gold banquet. 

Some final Pinewood Derby awards were passed out.

In the People's Choice category, Henry received a silver medal for Mr. Fasty.

Popcorn awards and prizes were also distributed.

Friday was Will's Valentine's lunchbox exchange followed by lunch outside in the sun.

That evening we had some early birthday and half-birthday celebrations with Gramma and Grampa.

This boy loves books.

And this one loves building.

Thanks, Gramma and Grampa!

Henry and I ventured to the farmers market on Saturday morning. Henry is almost always my farmers market sidekick, but this week was special because we got to attend a children's class on the history of chocolate. It involved taste-testing, so it was a hit. Henry came home with a raw cacao bean.

In the evening, my Valentine and I headed out to Tapas on the Trails at the Houston Arboretum.

The Arboretum offered on-site babysitting, so the boys were entertained and fed while we walked the trails, enjoying wines and small courses at five different stops. The first course, mushroom soup, was my favorite.

We started out before dusk but by the time we were eating our main course, it was getting dark and the bats were flying over the pond. The Arboretum is always lovely, but the Arboretum at night is just spectacular. After a busy week, an evening outside was exactly what we needed!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Saturday Adventure: Huntsville State Park

Last weekend was gorgeous with highs Saturday in the upper 60s, so we packed a picnic lunch and set off for Huntsville State Park. We hadn't been in nearly two years but it is the perfect place to go when you need to get away from the city!

This weekend, we chose to go horseback riding. Henry in particular really enjoyed horseback riding when we were in Colorado, so we knew we wanted to try it out here in Texas. 2E Stables offers one hour trips in the state park that are just perfect!

Helmets are important for little riders.

All the horses are old (20+) and really gentle. Will rode Gringo, who was pretty pokey, and Henry rode Chunk, who was the oldest of the bunch at 27.

I was up at the front on Pinky, who apparently likes to trot! I had to keep my hands on the rein to rein him in as he wanted to go faster than I did.

Will and Gringo

Henry and Chunk

Gene rode Butch, who was apparently very laid back and mellow.

After horseback riding, we played a game of sticks

and hiked around Raven Lake. Next time we visit, we want to rent a canoe or paddleboat!

At the very end of our day, Henry found a dandelion

and did his best to help spread the seeds around.

I do love our outdoor adventures and am already looking forward to our next one!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lately: February

Here's a peek into what we've been up to lately:

Will is almost done with his Bear Badge for Cub Scouts! He and Gene used power tools to take apart an old workbench that had been stored in the side yard for the past few years.

Henry helped too!

Henry's last den meeting involved making (and eating) snacks.

Grilling! The weather has been beautiful lately, so we grill out every chance we get.

One night we grilled pizzas and let the boys decorate their own.

Basil hair and mustache, olive ears, and pepperoni eyes and mouth. Mmmm!

We've done some science experiments,

and the boys had their final Hands On Art classes for the year. Henry learned how to weave.

Will's class painted self portraits in the style of Pablo Picasso.

And finally, Henry was Star Student last week. 

He shared his poster, a favorite book (The Book with No Pictures) and his Pinewood Derby car and trophy with his class. We've been as busy as ever!